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Online Workshops

Learnings from the First Centrally-Organised Online Workshop of 2020

Here are examples of what worked well and other observations from our workshop held in the last week of April

Organising Online Carpentries Workshops

Information for Carpentries Instructors to teach workshops remotely

Scaffolding Installation for Online Workshops

We now offer cloud instances as backup for learners with installation issues

Running University College London's First Online Git Workshop

We successfully ran a 3-hour workshop for 11 learners with one instructor and five helpers. here's how it turned out.

Official Guidelines (V1) for Taking Your Carpentries Workshop Online

The Carpentries convened a COVID-19 Response Task Force in mid-March, and a first version of their work is summarised in this post.

More Community-Contributed Tips for Teaching Online

This post is the second in our round of invaluable community-contributed tips for teaching online.

Tips for Teaching Online from The Carpentries Community

This post shares a first round of community-contributed tips on teaching online. Have a read and consider contributing more tips for teaching and learning online.