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Online Workshops

Lessons Learned - Data Carpentries Workshop for SADiLaR (August 31, 2020)

This post covers instructors' experiences teaching a Data Carpentries workshop for the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources in August 2020

Running Newcastle University's First Online Software Carpentries Workshop

This post covers the instructor's experiences teaching an online Software Carpentry workshop at Newcastle University

Geospatial Data Carpentry Videos

Learn more about running the Carpentries semi-asynchronously.

The Software Sustainability Institute's Guidance for Running Online Training

The following is guidance based on the Software Sustainability Institute staff and collaborators running online training events.

Lessons Learned - Teaching Carpentries Workshops Online in Sweden, May 2020

This post covers instructors' experiences teaching SQL, OpenRefine, and Python over the course of 4 online sessions in late May

Outlining a Successful Virtual Software Carpentry Workshop on Zoom

This post covers instructors' experiences running a four-day online Software Carpentry workshop at the University of Washington

Learners' Experiences from South Africa's Online Workshop

This post covers learners' experiences and feedback from SADiLaR's first three-day online Data Carpentry workshop in early May

Announcing a New Series of Online Workshop Themed Discussions

Please join The Carpentries Core Team for a monthly community call centred around online workshops