
Changes to Software Carpentry's Lesson Program Governance Committee and their work

In response to recent changes to The Carpentries Core Team, the Software Carpentry LPGC announces changes to their workflow and governance.

Revisions to The Carpentries governance structure

In a significant move towards autonomy, The Carpentries streamlines its governance structure to benefit our global community.

Announcing the results of the 2024 community election

Four community members were elected to serve a three-year term on The Carpentries Board of Directors

Election Nominees for the 2024 Board of Directors

Help shape The Carpentries -- Information about Community Elections for the Board of Directors

Call for Candidates for The Carpentries Board of Directors

Nominations are now open for community-elected positions.

The Carpentries Takes a Giant Leap Towards Independence

The Carpentries is planning our transition to operate as an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation

The Carpentries Executive Council invites YOU to a Community Session

Join members of The Carpentries Executive Council to discuss outcomes from the Q2 meeting

Welcoming the New Lesson Program Governance Committees

Community leaders who will guide project strategy for Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry

Highlights from the 2023 Executive Council Retreat

EC members reflect on how to best support The Carpentries as a multicultural organisation by expanding our thinking and discussing power and privilege.

Announcing 27 March Community Discussion with The Carpentries Executive Council

Join members of The Carpentries Executive Council to discuss outcomes from the Q1 meeting