
Announcing Our New Curriculum Advisors!

New Curriculum Advisory Committees form to support Software Carpentry and three Data Carpentry curricula.

Introducing The Carpentries Workbench

We announce the first draft of our accessible lesson infrastructure and call for beta testers

New Prices for Workshops, Instructor Training, and Memberships

Our new pricing structure for workshops, Instructor Training, and memberships goes into effect today.

Happy New Year from The Carpentries Executive Director, Dr. Kari L. Jordan

Grants, Gratitude, and #GreenStickies: Read on to learn about what The Carpentries will achieve in 2022

The Lesson Infrastructure Commitee: Past, Present, and Future

We re-evaluate the historical role of the Lesson Infrastructure Community to understand how we can maintain community advocacy in our infrastructure

Glosario: African contributions

As part of the checkout process, community members translated more than 300 data science terms into Amharic.

Share Your 2021 Gratitudes with Our Community

We are taking time throughout December 2021 to reflect, write and share our community green stickies for the year.

Pricing Update for 2022

The Carpentries is updating our pricing for the first time since 2016.