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Supporting The Carpentries

Read about activities the Australian Research Data Commons is embarking on to support The Carpentries

Connecting with the Community at CarpentryConnect in Manchester

In this post, Malvika Sharan shares her personal notes from June 2019's CarpentryConnect in Manchester

HPC Carpentry at ISC2019

A paper on the progress of HPC Carpentry was presented at the 'Workshop on HPC Education and Training for Emerging Technologies' at ISC2019

Software Carpentry at York

Following a successful Software Carpentry workshop, Juan Rodriguez summarised the experience in this post.

Carpentries Community Discussion on PREreview.org

Join our August 28 2019 community call to help us build a diverse community of preprint reviewers

Carve Your Niche with The Carpentries

TU Delft Library met Data Champions from the Department of Biotechnology, Victor Koppejan and Raúl A. Ortiz Merino, to celebrate their Software and Data Carpentry workshop success.

Announcing CarpentryCon 2020 Dates, Location and Theme

After a rigorous venue and theme bidding process, here's information about CarpentryCon 2020 and 2021!