Erin Becker

The 2021 Instructor Training Report

We are excited to release the first Instructor Training Report!

Foundations of Astronomical Data Science Launch

Interested in teaching skills at the intersection of data science and astronomy? Sign up for onboarding or to host a workshop today.

Announcing Our New Curriculum Advisors!

New Curriculum Advisory Committees form to support Software Carpentry and three Data Carpentry curricula.

Introducing Sher!, Director of Workshops

The journey from Workshop Administrator to Director of Workshops!

We are Hiring an Accessibility Coordinator. Join Our Team.

Applications received before 1 February at 11:59 PM (anywhere on earth) will receive full consideration.

New Prices for Workshops, Instructor Training, and Memberships

Our new pricing structure for workshops, Instructor Training, and memberships goes into effect today.

Pricing Update for 2022

The Carpentries is updating our pricing for the first time since 2016.

Transition for The Carpentries Membership Team

Questions about Membership? Email

Apply to become a Curriculum Advisor

Curriculum Advisors provide high-level leadership for lessons. Apply by September 29