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Systems Biology Postdoc Position with The Jackson Laboratory

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

The Carter Lab at The Jackson Laboratory is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow in computational genetics and systems biology. Our group is developing novel computational methods to derive biological models from large-scale genomic data. The strategies we pursue involve combining statistical genetics concepts such as epistasis and pleiotropy to understand how many genetic and environmental factors combine to control disease-related processes in animal models and human studies. We are especially interested in dissecting the genetic complexity of autoimmune disease, neurodegeneration, and cancer.

The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, USA, is recognized internationally for its excellence in research, unparalleled mouse resources, outstanding training environment characterized by scientific collaboration and exceptional core services - all within a spectacular setting adjacent to Acadia National Park. The Jackson Laboratory was voted among the top 15 “Best Places to Work in Academia” in the United States in a poll conducted by The Scientist magazine.

Exceptional postdoctoral candidates will have the opportunity to apply to become a JAX Postdoctoral Scholar, a selective award addressing the national need for research scientists who are accomplished in the broadly defined fields of genetics and genomics. The award includes an independent research budget, travel funds, and a salary above standard postdoctoral scale.

Applicants for both positions must have a PhD (or equivalent degree) in quantitative biology or another quantitative discipline such as computer science, physics, or applied mathematics. Experience in statistical genetics and gene expression analysis is strongly recommended, and applicants must have a commitment to solving biological problems and good communication skills. Expertise in scientific programming languages including R, C/C++, Ruby, Perl, or Java is recommended. Expertise in cancer genetics, immunology, or neurological disease is desired but not required.