Home> Blog> 6 January - 16 January, 2016: Election Candidates, SCF Strategic Plan, New Book, Pre-Workshop Help Sessions, AMY Version 1.3, Mistakes, and Recorded Lessons

6 January - 16 January, 2016: Election Candidates, SCF Strategic Plan, New Book, Pre-Workshop Help Sessions, AMY Version 1.3, Mistakes, and Recorded Lessons

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

##Highlights: Steering Committee Election



  • AMY Version 1.3 have been released. Learn about what’s planned for version 1.4 and let us know if you’d like to contribute.
  • Do you have ideas for collecting empirical data on the most common mistakes made by our learners when they use git, python, shell, and R?
  • Links to recorded lessons are now archived on the Lessons page of the website. If you have any recordings and would like to share, please get in touch.
