We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.

Our diverse and global community is comprised of

More than 3,000 volunteers
About 8,000 learners
More than 150 countries
And a 4th stat

Credit: Fauxels

Our volunteer-led workshops are small, hands on, and interactive.

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  • I went from a learner to an Instructor and completely changed the trajectory of my career. It helped me find my people ❤️
    Saranya Canchi
    Saranya Canchi
    Engineering Researcher and Bioinformatics Scientist
  • I'm pretty sure I wouldn’t be a gainfully employed climate scientist without The Carpentries. Along the winding academic journey from PhD to postdoc to precarious short-term contracts to finally landing a permanent research position, my involvement with The Carpentries and the skills I've gained from being part of the community has been my point of difference.
    Damien Irving
    Damien Irving
    Climate Data Scientist

Credit: Jopwell

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We are supported by our member organisations, those who sponsor workshops, as well as grants and donations from various sources.

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